Preserving Consumer Choice
in an Era of Religious/Secular Health Industry Mergers
To read the official policy statement adopted by the governing
of the American Public Health Association
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Religious Hospital Mergers
and HMOs:
The Hidden Crisis for Reproductive Health Care.
MergerWatch's Guide
can help your community understand the issue and find creative solutions.
It also provides information on what what your community needs to know
and what you can do to stop these types of mergers. Excerpts are
included in the materials posted on this website.
If you would like
to obtain a copy of the guide, please
e-mail us with your name, address, and phone and how you heard about
the MergerWatch Project.
New MergerWatch video:
"Stand Up! Speak Out!
How One Community Stopped a Hospital Merger"
inspiring new 40-minute video from the MergerWatch Project documents
the successful campaign waged by community residents to stop a proposed
three-way hospital merger in New York's Mid-Hudson Valley. The merger
would have forced two nonsectarian hospitals to adhere to the Catholic
Ethical and Religious Directives, causing the banning of contraceptive
services, abortions, tubal ligations, vasectomies and infertility
services. In this video, members of the grass roots anti-merger coalition
tell, in their own words, how they educated and organized the community,
collected 10,000 signatures on petitions and contacted state and federal
officials with the power to approve or disapprove the merger. After
16 months of increasing opposition and delays in government action,
the merger plans fell apart.
see and hear this remarkable story, order your copy of "Stand Up!
Speak Out!" by sending a check for $20 to The Education Fund of
Family Planning Advocates of NYS, 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12207. Mark
your order for "merger video," and give us your mailing address and
a telephone or an e-mail address where we can contact you. Your payment
will include the cost of shipping the video to you. You can also request
a copy of the video by sending us an email: [email protected]
Catholics For A Free Choice
Caution: Catholic Health Restrictions May Be Hazardous to Your Health
This report issued
by Catholics For A Free Choice summarizes Catholic-non-Catholic hospital
merger activity nationwide through 1998 and discusses the threat
to access to reproductive health services, with a focus on the
emerging issue of Emergency Contraception ("the morning-after pill").
This guide reports CFFC's findings of a national survey on whether
Catholic or Catholic-affiliated Hospitals agree to provide emergency
contraception to rape victims. This is an informative guide that allows
advocates to know what services are provided in their own areas
as well as across the country for rape victims.
For more information
contact:CFFC by e-mail: [email protected]
Or visit their website at
Catholics For A Free Choice
Women Oppose Religious Control of Reproductive Health Services
national public opinion poll, sponsored by CFFC, finds that American
women want and expect a wide range of health services to be available
to them. Regardless of the religious affiliation of hospitals, insurance
companies, or pharmacies, women believe that all kinds of health services
should be offered by these facilites. the survey also finds that women
strongly oppose potential legislation allowing hospitals or pharmacists
to refuse to provide medical services because of religious beliefs.
This is an informative study documenting the expectations of women regarding
the health care services that are available to them in their communities.
receive a copy of the full survey and questionnaire visit their website
or email at [email protected]
National Women's Law Center
Hospital Mergers and the Threat to Women's Reproductive
Health Services: Using Antitrust Laws to Fight Back
This guide includes
a background section on the diminishing availability of reproductive
services; a discussion of how mergers add to the problem of diminished
services; and an explanation of the relevant antitrust laws and how
to use them to challenge a merger. The guide also contains practical
tools to help you and your community contact your state Attorney General's
office or federal anti-trust authorities as well as details on information
that needs to be gathered. Cost for the guide is $15.00.
For more information
visit their website at
Preventing Pregnancy After Rape: Does Your Hospital Provide Emergency
Contraception to Rape Survivors
1999 survey by the National Abortion Rights Action League of New York
found that 54% of 215 hospital emergency rooms contacted across New
York State said they do not provide emergency contraception to rape
survivors in the ER.
report provides specific information on what the NARAL researchers found
when they contacted each hospital operating an emergency rooms New York
A copy
of the report, Preventing Pregnancy After Rape: Does Your Hospital
Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Survivors?, may be obtained
by calling NARAL/NY at (212) 343-0114 or by email: [email protected]
or check out their website at: