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June 2003 Austin, Texas

January 2002 New Study Details Public Funding of Religious Hospitals

Albany, NY -- Religious hospitals bill the government $40 billion a year, while using religious doctrine to restrict medical care, especially reproductive health services.

December 2000 AMA calls on FDA to make emergency contraceptives over-the-counter

Orlando, Fl -- The American Medical Association has called upon the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to make emergency contraceptives available over the counter.

November 2000 Local Bishops orders hospitals to stop performing tubal ligations

Carrington, ND -- A Roman Catholic Bishop from eastern North Dakota has ordered a hospital to stop performing tubal ligations.

November 2000 Bishops restrictions watered down

Miami, Fl -- The nation's Catholic bishops have "watered down" a proposal to ban sterilizations at secular hospitals when they partner with Catholic hospitals.

November 2000 Some tubal ligations restored at Catholic hospitals

Gilroy, CA -- After a wave of criticism in national media, administrators of St. Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy. CA, have decided to restore some tubal ligation services.

November 2000 APHA adopts policy statements on Religious/Secular Hospital Mergers

Boston, MA -- The American Public Health Association (APHA) approved a policy statement calling for action to preserve consumer health care choices when secular hospitals merge with religiously-sponsored hospitals.

October 2000 Vatican pressures U.S. Bishops to eliminate sterilizations

In November, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops will be meeting in Washington, D.C., and reportedly discussing revisions to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.

October 2000 Hospitals use legal maneuver to evade court review

Gloversville, NY -- Two upstate New York hospitals are using a legal maneuver to try to evade review of their affiliation plan by the New York State Attorney General and State Supreme Court.

June 2000 AMA Passes Compromise Resolution

Chicago, Il -- The AMA voted on a compromise resolution that calls for continued access to reproductive services following a merger or other affiliation between hospitals.

June 2000 "Virtual Merger" Poughkeepsie, NY breaks up

Poughkeepsie, NY -- An anti-trust challenge has broken up one of the first attempts by two neighboring hospitals to come a creative solutions that allows them to form an advantageous business partnership.

October 1999 Charitable trust settlement in Elizabeth, NJ

Elizabeth, NJ -- A new Jersey superior court judge has offically recognized that the charitable mission of a nonsectarian hospital undergoes a fundamental change when it accepts religious doctrine in order to carry out a merger with a sectarian hospital.


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